Student’s name and date of interview:


Name, title, dept of faculty examiner:




After a discussion of the student’s research interests in the target language, please evaluate her/his performance. Please explain your responses as necessary.


  1. Does the student have the capacity to present scholarly work in the target language?


  1. Does the student possess the necessary vocabulary to engage in a discussion of research in the target language?


  1. Does the student express her/himself without undue difficulty or hesitation?




Choose one of the following options:


____  The student has demonstrated sufficient proficiency in the target language and thereby completes the requirement.


_____The student has not demonstrated sufficient proficiency in the target language and should do the following before being interviewed again in order to complete preparation for this requirement (please be specific).



Signature of examiner:   _________________________________________ Date______

(if sent by post)


Please return this form to Marilyn Tankiewicz, Administrative Coordinator of Comparative Literature

(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


To download this form click here