Graduate Student Colloquia
Graduate Colloquium - October 19, 2011
Led by Caroline Godart
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Potluck & Colloquium: 6:00 pm
195 College Ave.
New Brunswick, NJ
Caroline's paper proposes to revisit a classic of women's cinema, Jane Campion's The Piano (1993), and to explore the resonances between the movie and Luce Irigaray's concept of the interval. The latter is at once a spatial and a temporal concept, and therefore lends itself well to cinematic analysis. The Piano is driven by a formal framework that relies consistently on the opposition between nearness and distance and that echoes Irigaray’s theory. Caroline wants to argue that both the philosopher and the filmmaker develop a feminist ethics that is grounded in a similar understanding of spatiality.
"Mystical Symptom, Hysterical Symbol:Metaphors of Exile in Psychoanalysis & Jewish Mystical Writing"
Comparative Literature Graduate Colloquium
"Mystical Symptom, Hysterical Symbol: Metaphors of Exile in Psychoanalysis and Jewish Mystical Writing"
Led by: Jacqueline Loeb
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Colloquium & Potluck: 5:00 - 7:00pm
(bring your favorite dish)
195 College Ave
"The Poetics of Pain"
Led by: Lauren Fanelli
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Potluck: 5:45 pm (Bring Your Favorite Dish)
Colloquium: 7:00 pm
"The Melodrama of Interiority"
Led by: Monical Filimon
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Potluck: 5:45 pm (Bring Your Favorite Dish)
Colloquium: 7:00 pm
Waking Ovid: James Joyce and the Metamorphosis of History
Comparative Literature
Fall 2009
Salvatore Pappalardo
“‘Waking’ Ovid: James Joyce and the Metamorphosis of History”
Monday, October 19th
5:30-7:30 p.m.
195 College Avenue
RSVP to Marilyn Tankiewicz by 10-15-09 with your food item!