Comparative Literature Events Calendar

Pedagogy panel: Teaching Practices in the Era of BLM

Friday, February 05, 2021 | 12:00pm - 03:00pm


One day event consisting of a 3 hours session with three invited speakers who will each present their work and then offer a brief workshop on teaching.

12:00 pm-1:00 pm Dr. Jonathan Daniel Rosa

Presentation Title: "Writing without Reifying Race, Ethnicity, and Language."
Bio: As a sociocultural and linguistic anthropologist, Jonathan Rosa's research theorizes the co-naturalization of language and race as a key feature of modern governance. Specifically, he analyzes the interplay between youth socialization, raciolinguistic formations, and structural inequity in urban contexts. Dr. Rosa collaborates with local communities to track these phenomena and develop tools for understanding and eradicating the forms of disparity to which they correspond. This community-based approach to research, teaching, and service reflects a vision of scholarship as a platform for imagining and enacting more just societies. Dr. Rosa's research has been published in scholarly journals such as Harvard Educational Review, American Ethnologist, American Anthropologist, Language in Society, and the Journal of Linguistic Anthropology. In addition to his formal scholarly research, Dr. Rosa is an ongoing participant in public intellectual projects focused on race, education, language, (im)migration, and U.S. Latinxs, and his work has been featured in media outlets such as MSNBC, NPR, CNN, and Univision.

1:00pm-2:00 pm Dr. Carolyn Ureña

Presentation Title: "'O My Body': Hopeful Inquiry in the Classroom"
Bio: Carolyn Ureña is an Assistant Dean for Advising in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to joining UPenn, she was a lecturer in the Writing Program at Princeton University, where she also taught in the Freshman Scholars Institute, Princeton's summer bridge program for incoming first-generation, lower-income students. She is a literary scholar whose work explores the intersection of the medical humanities, disability studies, and the lived experience of race and coloniality. Her research, which builds upon the clinical and political writings of revolutionary psychiatrist Frantz Fanon, develops a decolonial framework for understanding how a sustained encounter between critical race and disability studies can generate new conceptions of health and healing. Her writing has appeared in Bandung: Journal of the Global South, Disability and the Global South, Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy, Revista de Estudios Hispánicos, and History of Photography.

2:00pm-3:00pm Dr. Angel Jones

Presentation Title: "It’s not just a lesson, it’s a lifestyle: Incorporating antiracism into your everyday teaching practices”
Bio: Dr. Angel Jones is a passionate educator with 15+ years of experience in K-12 and Higher Education. At her core, as both an educator and a researcher, she endeavors to improve the lives of marginalized students while providing opportunities for their stories to be told. Broadly, her research focuses on the experiences of Black and Brown students at historically White institutions. More specifically, she examines how their experiences impact their mental health and overall well-being. Her areas of interest include microaggressions, racial battle fatigue, gendered-racism, and the psychological impact of each on Students of Color. Additionally, her research is informed by Critical Race Theory, Critical Race Feminism, and other theoretical frameworks that acknowledge and highlight the impact of race, gender, and other marginalized identities on the experiences of Students of Color.Program in Comparative Literature Graduate Students Conference


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